Rule your mind or it will rule you ..
How you choose to focus your attention and direct your external flow of energy is your power and you must believe that within you lies the extraordinary power of success. The largest difficulty lays in eliminating this chasm that lays between an idea, your idea, and it's execution. Underlying this greatness is the ability to be awake and present to the moment. Once we identify this quality of self-awareness in ourselves, we can harness our brains capabilities and ultimately have the key to self-mastery in every aspect of our lives. Be aware of what motivates you, naturally. Then become the owner of your motivation. You have to break this barrier between what you think and what you CHOOSE to think. Rule your mind or it will rule you - we are too careless with our thoughts, neglecting to understand that once a seed has taken root, it grows in size. This is key to understanding our mind, our actions, our thoughts and patterns. What we feed, what we nurture- the thoughts we ruminate over most- are what grows within us. Many paths to success cannot be taught. They involve processes of self-discovery and the utilisation of the mind, the curation of your attitude. CHOOSE to be tenacious in your pursuit for success and the results occur naturally. The body is but a puppet of the mind. Too many people give in to complacency. They're content with a detached sense of being, with the natural workings of their mind, with allowing life to wash over them like the ebb and flow of a tide. However, they'll never know, realise or recognise their true potential. They'll never unleash the power of their mind and as of consequence their body. Boundaries are self-imposed limitations and the largest one we unknowingly place in front of ourselves is the belief that we have reached our peak. Or that we even have one. My peak does not exist. I can always do better, always be better, faster, stronger, smarter, wiser. My life is a series of, a lineage of, success. I am a work of nature, a product of evolutionary change and I am limitless in what I may achieve. I hold the unshakable conviction that personal fulfilment comes with a dedication to the constant pursuit of mastering and bettering myself. I am unlimited in my goals and happiness is always where I am with the understanding that 'I have arrived' - for success has no limits. The conditions for my happiness and success are already sufficient - so long as I continue to grow as a being, as I continue to honour my beliefs and practice living mindfully, they fall into place naturally. We only need to allow ourselves to be in the present moment and we can touch them. We only need to allow ourselves to be in the present moment and we can unleash a world of possibilities.