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Rule your mind or it will rule you ..
How you choose to focus your attention and direct your external flow of energy is your power and you must believe that within you lies the extraordinary power of success. The largest difficulty lays in eliminating this chasm that lays between an idea, your idea, and it's execution. Underlying this greatness is the ability to be awake and present to the moment. Once we identify this quality of self-awareness in ourselves, we can harness our brains capabilities and ultimately have the key to self-mastery in every aspect of our lives. Be aware of what motivates you, naturally. Then become the owner of your motivation. You have to break this barrier between what you think and what you CHOOSE to think. Rule your mind or it will rule you - we are too careless with our thoughts, neglecting to understand that once a seed has taken root, it grows in size. This is key to understanding our mind, our actions, our thoughts and patterns. What we feed, what we nurture- the thoughts we ruminate over most- are what grows within us. Many paths to success cannot be taught. They involve processes of self-discovery and the utilisation of the mind, the curation of your attitude. CHOOSE to be tenacious in your pursuit for success and the results occur naturally. The body is but a puppet of the mind. Too many people give in to complacency. They're content with a detached sense of being, with the natural workings of their mind, with allowing life to wash over them like the ebb and flow of a tide. However, they'll never know, realise or recognise their true potential. They'll never unleash the power of their mind and as of consequence their body. Boundaries are self-imposed limitations and the largest one we unknowingly place in front of ourselves is the belief that we have reached our peak. Or that we even have one. My peak does not exist. I can always do better, always be better, faster, stronger, smarter, wiser. My life is a series of, a lineage of, success. I am a work of nature, a product of evolutionary change and I am limitless in what I may achieve. I hold the unshakable conviction that personal fulfilment comes with a dedication to the constant pursuit of mastering and bettering myself. I am unlimited in my goals and happiness is always where I am with the understanding that 'I have arrived' - for success has no limits. The conditions for my happiness and success are already sufficient - so long as I continue to grow as a being, as I continue to honour my beliefs and practice living mindfully, they fall into place naturally. We only need to allow ourselves to be in the present moment and we can touch them. We only need to allow ourselves to be in the present moment and we can unleash a world of possibilities.
Successful thinking.
I'm able to look at the world with clear hindsight,20, 20 vision, able to dissect and understand. Yet whenever I tried to look within, it was almost through a rose-coloured glass, stained by my emotions. So I shut my eyes.
We call ignorance a lack of understanding of our objective world, our history, our galaxies, our tragedies. I don't think people accept the fact that life doesn't make sense. I think it makes them terribly uncomfortable. So we seek knowledge for knowledge is power and we're able to temporarily make sense of that which we'll never fully understand. And we live with it and the world is seemingly at our feet.
I agree that knowledge is power and a lack of understanding of my world, my external world, is an unintentional show of ignorance. But I think it's a greater misfortune that we reject any desire to understand ourselves. To me, this reveals more ignorance. It is my theory that people are afraid of themselves, of their own mind, their feelings most of all. Why is it we are not all successful? Surely, we all have goals, even if they're of varying nature. It's because success is an attitude. Ambition and motivation are attitudes. And what I think many people fail to realise, is that in life your brain is your most powerful weapon in your arsenal. I don't believe we are 'fixed', 'unchangeable' creatures, and neither does science. I don't believe in 'superior' healthy brains. People are as real as one another, minds are alive as one another and they have equal value. The difference then, is that a 'successful' mind harnesses its brains powers to adapt. Change your brain, change your life. Our brains are plastic, neuroplasticity by definition tells us this much. I am plastic. I am not soft clay and I refuse to be Moulded. Change your brain, change your life. Re-imagine change and never stop evolving. Every thought you produce, every action you commit bears your signature and creates a mark on your brain, leaving a ripple effect. There's a reason action becomes habit. The more you commit to a behaviour, the stronger the synaptic connections between neurons in your brain devoted to this action become. Within time, the neurons in the circuit will proliferate their dendrites and extend their axons, interconnecting more distant neurons into a rich neural network. What you think is literally how you act. What you think is what you become. We can use our brains to re-wire our thinking and from there, the possibilities are endless. Take advantage of not only the world around you but your world within.
I used to write how a monster lived in my head rather than under my bed. I think even then though, I understood the power of my own thoughts. For this was a monster of self-creation. A monster born from my innermost fears, a monster constructed with my bare mind. And I wrote how the thoughts were crippling, killing me slowly, eating away at me. But the things is — they were mine, all mine. I chose to think them. And my whole life transformed because of them. I am the custodian of my own world, my own thoughts, my own mind. What i think is what i choose to think, what i let in, is what i choose to let in.
I think the day people realize that their life exists in their mind is the day they take responsibility for their thoughts. Not control — for you see, they’ve had that all along. Your mind is the brush with which you paint reality. And for all intents and purposes you could be the next Van Gogh.
The beginning
Most bloggers write how they've always had an affinity for writing. How there's always been a special ease with which they've put pen to paper. My story's a bit different; up until the age of eight I could barley read Spot, let alone read anything I wrote. It's a miracle I managed to write at all seeing as, ultimately, I had no idea what it was I was writing. 1 year of remedial reading classes (I KNOW right) and flash forward 12 years later and not a day goes by where I don't pick up a novel of some kind, ranging from Murakami to Tolstoy on the literary spectrum. And, If you asked, I'd say there was a special ease with which I put pen to paper..
I was never the child with her nose buried in a book, I was a tree-climbing, basketball -playing tomboy, hands buried in mud (which is a stark contrast to present me, believe me). I was the child who HAD to try everything- from trumpet to debating to gymnastics- and found no passion in any of these. Everything seemed to interest me, but nothing held my attention.
Writing was the one exception. Maybe the shame of having to attend remedial classes (I was eight people) was the extra motivation I required to reach above and beyond what felt natural to me. It was with this I learnt (if you continue to read my future posts, If you this imaginary reader I'm directing this to even exists, you'll find I make a lot of affirmations about life) that a sunflower will not reach its full potential without the proper nurturing and neither will I. Hard work beats talents when talent fails to work hard (thank you, Mr Durant). Perhaps this ability to write always lay there, buried deep beneath long, convoluted sentences and shocking attempts at poetry. Perhaps,the potential was there from birth. Perhaps it was something I needed to act upon for it to be realised. I've always believed in 'stepping into your greatness'- relinquishing this idea of a pre-determined destiny and creating your own.
Either way writing, it makes me feel alive, makes me feel glad to be alive. One of the closest quotes to me right now is - "At all costs remain faithful to the process of rediscovering your own divinity" (Blaise Seavullo). And may I honour the divinity that resides within me. This may be a dream a tad outside my teach, but that is the goal of this blog. To pass on this feeling, to create something worthwhile and to reach my potential. However, like many other university students with never-ending deadlines, I'm generally one to succumb to the temptation of procrastination. I've put this off for the longest of times, for the weakest of reasons. But here I am, and what better time to start than right now.
Oh and the meaning behind my name, tiny-contradictions? What part of you hasn't felt like a bundle of contradictions at times? What part of life hasn't felt like a series of tiny contradictions?
Writing was the one exception. Maybe the shame of having to attend remedial classes (I was eight people) was the extra motivation I required to reach above and beyond what felt natural to me. It was with this I learnt (if you continue to read my future posts, If you this imaginary reader I'm directing this to even exists, you'll find I make a lot of affirmations about life) that a sunflower will not reach its full potential without the proper nurturing and neither will I. Hard work beats talents when talent fails to work hard (thank you, Mr Durant). Perhaps this ability to write always lay there, buried deep beneath long, convoluted sentences and shocking attempts at poetry. Perhaps,the potential was there from birth. Perhaps it was something I needed to act upon for it to be realised. I've always believed in 'stepping into your greatness'- relinquishing this idea of a pre-determined destiny and creating your own.
Either way writing, it makes me feel alive, makes me feel glad to be alive. One of the closest quotes to me right now is - "At all costs remain faithful to the process of rediscovering your own divinity" (Blaise Seavullo). And may I honour the divinity that resides within me. This may be a dream a tad outside my teach, but that is the goal of this blog. To pass on this feeling, to create something worthwhile and to reach my potential. However, like many other university students with never-ending deadlines, I'm generally one to succumb to the temptation of procrastination. I've put this off for the longest of times, for the weakest of reasons. But here I am, and what better time to start than right now.
Oh and the meaning behind my name, tiny-contradictions? What part of you hasn't felt like a bundle of contradictions at times? What part of life hasn't felt like a series of tiny contradictions?
Think about it.
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